The sizer Code Analyzer (-tvvp)

The sizer target does not generate any code. Instead it will print statistics about the Verilog code.

It is important to synthesize the Verilog code before invoking the sizer. This can be done with the -S flag passed to iverilog. Note, that behavioral code can not be synthesized and will generate a warning when passed to the sizer.

Example command:

% iverilog -o sizer.txt -tsizer -S -s top input.v

With this example code:

module top (
    input clock,
    input reset,
    output blink
    reg out;

    always @(posedge clock) begin
        if (reset) begin
            out = 1'b0;
        end else begin
            out <= !out;

    assign blink = out;


The resulting sizer.txt will contain:

**** module/scope: top
     Flip-Flops   : 1
     Logic Gates  : 3
     MUX[2]: 1 slices
     LOG[13]: 1 unaccounted
     LOG[14]: 1 unaccounted
     Flip-Flops   : 1
     Logic Gates  : 3
     MUX[2]: 1 slices
     LOG[13]: 1 unaccounted
     LOG[14]: 1 unaccounted