Executable Instruction Opcodes

Instruction opcodes all start with a % character and have 0 or more operands. In no case are there more than 3 operands. This chapter describes the specific behavior of each opcode, in enough detail (I hope) that its complete effect can be predicted.

General Principles of Arithmetic (current plan):

The binary arithmetic instruction in general takes three parameters, the left operand, the right operand, and the base. The left operand is replaced with the result, which is the same width as the left and right operands.

General Principles of Arithmetic (new plan):

For strings, all arithmetic is stack based. That is, there is an abstract stack of strings from which operations pull their operands and push their results. This is somewhat like FORTH (or an HP calculator RPN notation) and spares the need to keep register addresses in operands. I may find this leads to a more compact form of instruction code, and may lead to more efficient operators overall, and in particular I may find improved efficiency overall; so after the experience of implementing it for strings, I’ll want to change other types around to using this method as well. Keep this in mind whenever considering adding new instructions to vvp.


There are up to 16 bits in each thread that are available for flags. These are used as destinations for operations that return boolean values, for example comparisons. They are also used as inputs for test and branch opcodes.

  • %abs/wr

This instruction calculates the absolute value of a real value. It uses the fabs() function in the run-time to do the work, and manipulates the top of the real-value stack.

  • %add

  • %addi <vala>, <valb>, <wid>

This opcode pops and adds two vec4 values from the vec4 stack, adds them, and pushes the result back to the stack. The input values must have the same size, and the pushed result will have the same width.

The %addi variant takes one operand from the stack, the other is an immediate value (See %pushi/vec4).

See also the %sub instruction.

  • %add/wr

This is the real valued version of the %add instruction. The arguments are popped from the stack, right operand then left, and the result pushed in place

See also the %sub/wr instruction.

  • %alloc <scope-label>

This instruction allocates the storage for a new instance of an automatically allocated scope.

  • %and

Perform the bitwise AND of the two vectors popped from the vec4 stack, and push the result. Each bit is calculated independent of other bits. AND means the following:

0 and ? –> 0 ? and 0 –> 0 1 and 1 –> 1 otherwise x

The input vectors must be the same width, and the output vector will be the width of the input.

  • %and/r

Pop the top value from the vec4 stack, perform a reduction &, then return the single-bit result.

  • %assign/ar <array-label>, <delay>

  • %assign/ar/d <array-label>, <delayx>

  • %assign/ar/e <array-label>

The %assign/ar instruction assigns a real value to a word in the labeled real array. The <delay> is the delay in simulation time to the assignment (0 for non-blocking assignment) and the value is popped from the real value stack.

The memory word address is read from index register 3. The address is in canonical form.

The %assign/ar/d variation reads the delay from an integer register that is given by the <delayx> value. This should not be 3 or the <bit> index, of course, since these registers contain the word address and the value.

The %assign/ar/e variation uses the information in the thread event control registers to determine when to perform the assign. %evctl is used to set the event control information.

  • %assign/v0 <var-label>, <delay>, <bit> (XXXX Old description)

  • %assign/v0/d <var-label>, <delayx>, <bit> (XXXX Old description)

  • %assign/v0/e <var-label>, <bit> (XXXX Old description)

The %assign/v0 instruction is a vector version of non-blocking assignment. The <delay> is the number of clock ticks in the future where the assignment should be schedule, and the <bit> is the base of the vector to be assigned to the destination. The vector width is in index register 0.

The %assign/v0/d variation gets the delay instead from an integer register that is given by the <delayx> value. This should not be 0, of course, because integer 0 is taken with the vector width.

The %assign/v0/e variation uses the information in the thread event control registers to determine when to perform the assign. %evctl is used to set the event control information.

The <var-label> references a .var object that can receive non-blocking assignments. For blocking assignments, see %set/v.

  • %assign/vec4 <var-label>, <delay>

  • %assign/vec4/d <var-label>, <delayx>

  • %assign/vec4/e <var-label>

The %assign/vec4 instruction is a vec4 version of non-blocking assignment. The <delay> is the number of clock ticks in the future where the assignment should schedule, and the value to assign is pulled from the vec4 stack.

The %assign/vec4/d instruction is the same, but gets its delay value from the index register <delayx> instead.

  • %assign/vec4/a/d <var-label>, <off-index>, <delay-index>

  • %assign/vec4/a/e <var-label>, <off-index>

This instruction implements delayed assignment to an array word. The value is popped from the vec4 stack; the width is taken from the popped value. The <off-index> index register contains the canonical offset into the memory word for a part select, and the <delay-index> index register contains the delay for the assignment. Index register 3 contains the word address.

The <off-index> and <delay-index> index registers can be 0, which means a zero value instead of the contents of index register 0.

If flag bit 4 is set, then the value will be popped from the stack, but it will not be assigned. This handles the case that the index values is undefined.

  • %assign/vec4/off/d <var-label>, <off-index>, <delay-index>

This is for writing parts to the target variable. The <var-label> is the variable to write, as usual. The <off-index> selects an index register that holds the offset into the target variable, and the <delay-index> selects the index register that contains the delay. The offset is in canonical bits. The width that is written is taken from the width of the value on the stack.

The actual assignment is suppressed if flags-4 is 1. This is so that calculations of offset can set the flag on errors.

  • %assign/wr <vpi-label>, <delay>

  • %assign/wr/d <vpi-label>, <delayx>

  • %assign/wr/e <vpi-label>

This instruction provides a non-blocking assign of the real value given in <index> to the real object addressed by the <vpi-label> label after the given <delay>. The real value is popped from the stack.

The %assign/wr/d variation gets the delay from integer register <delayx>.

The %assign/wr/e variation uses the information in the thread event control registers to determine when to perform the assign. %evctl is used to set the event control information.

  • %blend

This instruction blends the bits of two vectors into a result in a manner line the expressions (‘bx ? <a> : <b>). The two source vectors are popped from the vec4 stack (and must have the same width) and the result pushed in their place. The truth table for each bit is:

1 1 –> 1 0 0 –> 0 z z –> z x x –> x …. –> x

In other words, if the bits are identical, then take that value. Otherwise, the value is x.

  • %blend/wr

This instruction blends real values for the ternary operator. If the values match return that otherwise return 0.0. Two values are popped from the stack, one is pushed back.

  • %breakpoint

This instruction unconditionally breaks the simulator into the interactive debugger. The idea is to stop the simulator here and give the user a chance to display the state of the simulation using debugger commands.

This may not work on all platforms. If run-time debugging is compiled out, then this function is a no-op.

  • %callf/obj <code-label>, <scope-label>

  • %callf/real <code-label>, <scope-label>

  • %callf/str <code-label>, <scope-label>

  • %callf/vec4 <code-label>, <scope-label>

  • %callf/void <code-label>, <scope-label>

More directly implement function calling. This subsumes the %fork and %join of the more general task and block calling, but is optimized for functions, which are threads of a special, constrained sort.

The different variants reflect the different return types for the called function. For example, if the function returns a string, the %callf/str opcode is used, and will push the string return value into the caller’s string stack. The %callf/void function is special in that is pushes no value onto any stack.

  • %cassign/vec4 <var-label>

  • %cassign/vec4/off <var-label>, <off-index>

Perform a continuous assign of a constant value to the target variable. This is similar to %set, but it uses the cassign port (port-1) of the signal functor instead of the normal assign, so the signal responds differently. See “VARIABLE STATEMENTS” in the README.txt file.

The %cassign/vec4/off instruction will check the flags[4] flag, and if it is 1, it will suppress the assignment. This is so that failed index calculations can report the failure by setting the flag.

  • %cassign/wr <var-label>

Perform a continuous assign of a constant real value to the target variable. See %cassign/v above. The value is popped from the real value stack.

  • %cast2

Pop a value from the vec4 stack, convert it using Verilog rules to a vector2 (binary) value, and push the result.

  • %cast/vec2/dar <wid>

Pop a dynamic array value from the object stack, convert it to a 2-state vector that is <wid> bits wide, and push the result to the vec4 stack. If the dynamic array does not fit exactly in <wid> bits, print an error message and stop the simulation.

  • %cast/vec4/dar <wid>

Pop a dynamic array value from the object stack, convert it to a 4-state vector that is <wid> bits wide, and push the result to the vec4 stack. If the dynamic array does not fit exactly in <wid> bits, print an error message and stop the simulation.

  • %cast/vec4/str <wid>

Pop a value from the string stack, convert it to a vector that is <wid> bits wide, and push the result to the vec4 stack. If the string does not fit exactly in <wid> bits, print an error message and stop the simulation.

  • %cmp/s

  • %cmp/u

  • %cmp/e

  • %cmp/ne

  • %cmpi/s <vala>, <valb>, <wid>

  • %cmpi/u <vala>, <valb>, <wid>

  • %cmpi/e <vala>, <valb>, <wid>

  • %cmpi/ne <vala>, <valb>, <wid>

These instructions perform a generic comparison of two vectors of equal size. Two values are pulled from the top of the stack, and not replaced. The results are written into flag bits 4,5,6. The expressions (a<b), (a==b) and (a===b) are calculated, with (b) popped from the stack first, then (a).

The results of the comparison go into flags 4, 5, 6 and 7:

4: eq (equal) 5: lt (less than) 6: eeq (case equal)

The eeq bit is set to 1 if all the bits in the vectors are exactly the same, or 0 otherwise. The eq bit is true if the values are logically the same. That is, x and z are considered equal. In other words the eq bit is the same as == and the eeq bit ===.

The lt bit is 1 if the left vector is less than the right vector, or 0 if greater than or equal to the right vector. It is the equivalent of the Verilog < operator. Combinations of these three bits can be used to implement all the Verilog comparison operators.

The %cmp/u and %cmp/s differ only in the handling of the lt bit. The %cmp/u does an unsigned compare, whereas the %cmp/s does a signed compare. In either case, if either operand contains x or z, then lt bit gets the x value.

The %cmp/e and %cmpi/e variants are the same, but they do not bother to calculate the lt flag. These are faster if the lt flag is not needed.

The %cmp/ne and %cmpi/ne variants are the same as the %cmp/e and %cmpi/e variants, but the 4 and 6 flags are inverted in order to eliminate the need for a %flag_inv instruction to implement != and !== operations.

  • %cmp/we

  • %cmp/wne

These instructions perform a wild comparison of two vectors of equal size. Two values are pulled from the top of the stack, and not replaced. The results are written into flag bit 4. The comparisons work like eq/ne except an x/z bit in the r-value will match any l-value bit.

The %cmp/wne variant is the same as %cmp/we, but the 4 flag is inverted in order to eliminate the need for a %flag_inv instruction to implement the !=? operator.

  • %cmp/wr

Compare real values for equality and less-then. This opcode pops to values from the real-value stack and writes the comparison result to bits 4/5. The expressions (a < b) and (a==b) are calculated, with (b) popped from the stack first, then (a).

  • %cmp/z

  • %cmp/x

These instructions are for implementing the casez and casex comparisons. These work similar to the %cmp/u instructions, except only an eq bit is calculated. These comparisons both treat z values in the left or right operand as don’t care positions. The %cmp/x instruction will also treat x values in either operand as don’t care.

Only bit 4 is set by these instructions.

  • %cmp/str

This instruction pops the top two strings from the string stack and compares them. The results of the comparison go into bits 4 and 5:

4: eq (equal) 5: lt (less than)

For the purposes of calculating the lt bit, the top string is the right operand and the string underneath is the left operand. This instruction removes two strings from the stack.

  • %concat/str

  • %concati/str <string>

Pop the top string, and concatenate it to the new top string. Or think of it as passing the tail, then the head, concatenating them, and pushing the result. The stack starts with two strings in the stack, and ends with one string in the stack.

The %concati/str form pops only one value from the stack. The right part comes from the immediate value.

  • %concat/vec4

  • %concati/vec4 <vala>, <valb>, <wid>

Pop two vec4 vectors, concatenate them, and push the combined result. The top of the vec4 stack is the LSB of the result, and the next in this stack is the MSB bits of the result.

The %concati/vec4 form takes an immediate value and appends it (lsb) to the value on the top of the stack. See the %pushi/vec4 instruction for how to describe the immediate value.

  • %cvt/sr <index>

  • %cvt/ur <bit-l>

Pop a word from the real-value stack, convert it to a signed or unsigned integer, and write it to the <index> index register. Precision may be lost in the conversion.

  • %cvt/rv

  • %cvt/rv/s

The %cvt/rv instruction pops a value from the thread vec4 stack and converts it to a real word. Push the result onto the real value stack. Precision may be lost in the conversion.

The %cvt/rv/s instruction is the same as %cvt/rv, but treats the thread vector as a signed value.

  • %cvt/vr <wid>

The %cvt/vr opcode converts a real word from the stack to a vec4 that is <wid> wide. Non-integer precision is lost in the conversion, and the real value is popped from the stack. The result is pushed to the vec4 stack.

  • %deassign <var-label>, <base>, <width>

Deactivate and disconnect a procedural continuous assignment to a variable. The <var-label> identifies the affected variable.

The <base> and <width> are used to determine what part of the signal will be deactivated. For a full deactivation the <base> is 0 and <width> is the entire signal width.

  • %deassign/wr <var-label>

The same as %deassign above except this is used for real variables.

  • %debug/thr

These opcodes are aids for debugging the vvp engine. The vvp code generator should not generate these, and they should not alter code flow, data contents, etc.

  • %delay <low>, <high>

This opcode pauses the thread, and causes it to be rescheduled for a time in the future. The amount is the number of the ticks in the future to reschedule, and is >= 0. If the %delay is zero, then the thread yields the processor for another thread, but will be resumed in the current time step.

The delay amount is given as 2 32bit numbers, so that 64bit times may be represented.

  • %delayx <idx>

This is similar to the %delay opcode, except that the parameter selects an index register, which contains the actual delay. This supports run-time calculated delays.

  • %delete/obj <var-label>

Arrange for the dynamic object at the target label to be deleted. This has no effect on the object or string stack. Note that this is the same as:

%null ; %store/obj <var-label>

but that idiom is expected to be common enough that it warrants an optimized shorthand.

  • %disable <scope-label>

This instruction terminates threads that are part of a specific scope. The label identifies the scope in question, and the threads are the threads that are currently within that scope.

  • %disable/flow <scope-label>

This instruction is similar to %disable except that it will only disable a single thread of the specified scope. The disabled thread will be the thread closest to the current thread in the thread hierarchy. This can either be thread itself or one of its parents.

It is used to implement flow control statements called from within a thread that only affect the thread or its parents. E.g. SystemVerilog return, continue or break.

  • %disable/fork

This instruction terminates all the detached children for the current thread. There should not be any non-detached children.

  • %div <bit-l>, <bit-r>, <wid>

  • %div/s <bit-l>, <bit-r>, <wid>

This instruction arithmetically divides the <bit-l> vector by the <bit-r> vector, and leaves the result in the <bit-l> vector. IF any of the bits in either vector are x or z, the entire result is x.

The %div/s instruction is the same as %div, but does signed division.

  • %div/wr

This opcode divides the left operand by the right operand. If the right operand is 0, then the result is NaN.

  • %dup/real

  • %dup/vec4

  • %dup/obj

These opcodes duplicate the value on the top of the stack for the corresponding type.

  • %evctl <functor-label> <idx>

  • %evctl/c

  • %evctl/s <functor-label> <idx>

  • %evctl/i <functor-label> <value>

These instructions are used to put event and repetition information into the thread event control registers. These values are then used by the %assign/e instructions to do not blocking event control. The <functor-label> is the event to trigger on and the <idx> is an index register to read the repetition count from (signed or unsigned). %evctl/i sets the repetition to an immediate unsigned value.

%evctl/c clears the event control information. This is needed if a %assign/e may be skipped since the %assign/e statements clear the event control information and the other %evctl statements assert that this information has been cleared. You can get an assert if this information is not managed correctly.

  • %event <functor-label>

  • %event/nb <functor-label>

This instruction is used to send a pulse to an event object. The <functor-label> is an event variable. This instruction simply writes an arbitrary value to the event to trigger the event.

  • %file_line <file> <line> <description>

This command emits the provided file and line information along with the description when it is executed. The output is sent to stderr and the format of the output is:

<file>:<line>: <description>

<file> is the unsigned numeric file index. <line> is the unsigned line number. <description> is a string, if string is 0 then the following default message is used: “Procedural tracing.”.

  • %flag_inv <flag>

This instruct inverts a flag bit.

  • %flag_mov <flag1>, <flag2>

This instruction copies the flag bit from <flag2> to <flag1>.

  • %flag_or <flag1>, <flag2>

This instruction calculates the Verilog OR of the flag bits in <flag1> and <flag2>, and leaves the result in <flag1>.

  • %flag_set/imm <flag>, <value>

This instruction sets an immediate value into a flag bit. This is a single bit, and the value is 0==0, 1==1, 2==z, 3==x.

  • %flag_get/vec4 <flag>

  • %flag_set/vec4 <flag>

These instructions provide a means for accessing flag bits. The %flag_get/vec4 loads the numbered flag as a vec4 on top of the vec4 stack, and the %flag_set/vec4 pops the top of the vec4 stack and writes the LSB to the selected flag.

  • %force/vec4 <label>

  • %force/vec4/off <label>, <off>

  • %force/vec4/off/d <label>, <off>, <delay>

Perform a “force” assign of a values to the target variable. The value to be forced is popped from the vec4 stack and forced to the target variable. The /off variant forces a part of a vector. The width of the part comes from the width of the popped value, and the <off> is an index register that contains the canonical offset where the value gets written. The <delay> is an index register that contains the delay.

The %force/vec4/off instructions will test the value of flags[4], and if it is 1, will suppress the actual assignment. This is intended to help with detection of invalid index expressions.

  • %force/wr <var-label>

Force a constant real value to the target variable. See %force/v above. The value is popped from the real value stack.

  • %fork <code-label>, <scope-label>

This instruction is similar to %jmp, except that it creates a new thread to start executing at the specified address. The new thread is created and pushed onto the child stack. It is also marked runnable, but is not necessarily started until the current thread yields.

The %fork instruction has no effect other than to push a child thread.

See also %join.

  • %free <scope-label>

This instruction de-allocates the storage for a previously allocated instance of as automatically allocated scope.

  • %inv

Perform a bitwise invert of the vector on top of the vec4 stack. The result replaces the input. Invert means the following, independently, for each bit:

0 –> 1 1 –> 0 x –> x z –> x

  • %ix/vec4 <idx>

  • %ix/vec4/s <idx>

This instruction loads a vec4 value from the vec4 stack, into the index register <idx>. The value is popped from the vec4 stack and written to the index register.

The %ix/vec4 instruction converts the 4-value bits into a binary number, without sign extension. If any of the bits of the vector is x or z, then the index register gets the value 0. The %ix/vec4/s instruction is the same, except that it assumes the source vector is sign extended to fit the index register.

The instruction also writes into flag 4 a 1 if any of the bits of the input vector are x or z. This is a flag that the 0 value written into the index register is really the result of calculating from unknown bits. It writes an X into flag 4 if the vec4 value overflows the index register.

4: unknown value or overflow 5: (reserved) 6: (reserved)

  • %ix/getv <idx>, <functor-label>

  • %ix/getv/s <idx>, <functor-label>

These instructions are like the %ix/vec4 instructions, except that they read directly from a functor label instead of from thread bits. They set flag 4 just like %ix/get (overflow is not currently checked by ix/getv/s).

  • %ix/load <idx>, <low>, <high>

This instruction loads an immediate value into the addressed index register. The index register holds 64 bit numeric values, so <low> and <high> are used to separate the value in two 32 bit chunks. The idx value selects the index register. This is different from %ix/get, which loads the index register from a value in the thread bit vector. The values are unsigned decimal values and are combined as <high> << 32 | <low> to produce the final value.

  • %ix/add <idx>, <low>, <high>

  • %ix/sub <idx>, <low>, <high>

  • %ix/mul <idx>, <low>, <high>

These instructions add, subtract, or multiply the selected index register by the immediate value. The 64 bit immediate value is built from the two 32 bit chunks <low> and <high> (see %ix/load above). The <idx> value selects the index register.

  • %ix/mov <dst>, <src>

This instruction simply sets the index register <dst> to the value of the index register <src>.

  • %jmp <code-label>

The %jmp instruction performs an unconditional branch to a given location. The parameter is the label of the destination instruction.

  • %jmp/[01xz] <code-label>, <flag>

This is a conditional version of the %jmp instruction. In this case, a flag bit (addressed by <bit>) is tested. If it is one of the values in the part after the /, the jump is taken. For example:

%jmp/xz T_label, 8;

will jump to T_label if bit 8 is x or z.

  • %join

This is the partner to %fork. This instruction causes the thread to wait for the top thread in the child stack to terminate, then continues. It has no effect in the current thread other than to wait until the top child is cleared.

It is an error to execute %join if there are no children in the child stack. Every %join in the thread must have a matching %fork that spawned off a child thread.

If the matching child instruction is still running, a %join suspends the calling thread until the child ends. If the child is already ended, then the %join does not block or yield the thread.

  • %join/detach <n>

This is also a partner to %fork. This instruction causes the thread to detach <n> threads from the current thread. The <n> should be ALL the children, and none of those children may be automatic. This instruction is used to implement join_none and join_any from the Verilog source.

  • %load/obj <var-label>

This instruction loads an object handle and pushes it to the top of the object handle stack.

See also %store/obj.

  • %load/real <vpi-label>

  • %load/dar/r <functor-label>

The %load/real instruction reads a real value from the vpi-like object and pushes it to the top of the real value stack.

The %load/dar/r loads the real word from the darray and pushes it onto the stack.

  • %load/str <var-label>

  • %load/stra <array-label>, <index>

  • %load/dar/str <var-label>

The %load/str instruction gets the string from the string variable and pushes in to the string stack. (See also %store/str)

The %load/dar/str is similar, but the variable is a dynamic array of strings, and there is an index value in index register 3. (See also %store/dar/str)

  • %load/v <bit>, <functor-label>, <wid> (XXXX Old implementation)

This instruction loads a vector value from the given functor node into the specified thread register bit. The functor-label can refer to a .net, a .var or a .functor with a vector output. The entire vector, from the least significant up to <wid> bits, is loaded starting at thread bit <bit>. It is an OK for the width to not match the vector width at the functor. If the <wid> is less than the width at the functor, then the most significant bits are dropped. If the <wid> is more than the width at the functor, the value is padded with X bits.

  • %load/vec4 <var-label>

This instruction loads a vector value from the given functor node and pushes it onto the vec4 stack. See also the %store/vec4 instruction.

  • %load/vec4a <arr-label>, <addr-index>

This instruction loads a vec4 value from the array and pushes the value onto the stack. The <addr-index> is the index register that holds the canonical array index.

The load checks flag bit 4. If it is 1, then the load it cancelled and replaced with a load of all X bits. See %ix/vec4.

  • %load/ar <array-label>, <index>

The %load/ar instruction reads a real value from an array. The <index> is the index register that contains the canonical word address into the array.

  • %loadi/wr <bit>, <mant>, <exp>

This opcode loads an immediate value, floating point, into the word register selected by <bit>. The mantissa is an unsigned integer value, up to 32 bits, that multiplied by 2**(<exp>-0x1000) to make a real value. The sign bit is OR-ed into the <exp> value at bit 0x4000, and is removed from the <exp> before calculating the real value.

If <exp>==0x3fff and <mant> == 0, the value is +inf. If <exp>==0x7fff and <mant> == 0, the value is -inf. If <exp>==0x3fff and <mant> != 0, the value is NaN.

  • %max/wr

  • %min/wr

This instruction pops the top two values from the real stack and pushes back the max(min) value. Avoid returning NaN by selecting the other if either is NaN.

  • %mod

  • %mod/s

This instruction calculates the modulus %r of the left operand, and replaces the left operand with the result. The left and right vectors are popped from the vec4 stack and have identical width. The result is pushed onto the vec4 stack.

The /s form does signed %.

  • %mod/wr

This opcode is the real-valued modulus of the two real values.

  • %mul

  • %muli <vala>, <valb>, <wid>

This instruction multiplies the left vector by the right vector, the vectors pare popped from the vec4 stack and have the same width. If any of the bits of either vector are x or z, the result is x. Otherwise, the result is the arithmetic product. In any case, the result is pushed back on the vec4 stack.

  • %mul/wr

This opcode multiplies two real words together.

  • %nand

Perform the bitwise NAND of two vec4 vectors, and push the result. Each bit is calculated independent of other bits. NAND means the following:

0 and ? –> 1 ? and 0 –> 1 1 and 1 –> 0 otherwise x

  • %new/cobj <label>

Create a new class object. The <label> is the VPI label for a class type definition.

  • %new/darray <idx>, “<type>”

Create a new array (of int objects) with a size. the <idx> is the address of an index variable that contains the computed array size to use. The <type> is a string that expresses the type of the elements of the array. See also %delete/obj

The supported types are:

“b<N>” - unsigned bool <N>-bits “sb<N>” - signed bool <N>-bits “r” - real “S” - SystemVerilog string

  • %nor

Perform the bitwise nor of vec4 vectors, and push the result. Each bit in the source vectors is combined to make a result bit according to the truth table.

1 nor ? –> 0 ? nor 1 –> 0 0 nor 0 –> 1 otherwise x

  • %nor/r <dst>, <src>, <wid> (XXXX Old definition)

The %nor/r instruction is a reduction nor. That is, the <src> is a vector with width, but the result is a single bit. The <src> vector is not affected by the operation unless the <dst> bit is within the vector. The result is calculated before the <dst> bit is written, so it is valid to place the <dst> within the <src>.

The actual operation performed is the inverted or of all the bits in the vector.

  • %nor/r

The %nor/r instruction is a reduction nor. That is, a vec4 value is popped from the vec4 stack, the bits of the vector are or’ed together to a signal bit, that bit is inverted and the resulting 1-bit vector pushed back to the vec4 stack. See also the “%or” instruction.

  • %null

Push a null object and push it to the object stack. The null object can be used with any class or darray object, so it is not typed.

  • %or

Perform the bitwise or of two vectors. Pop two values from the vec4 stack to get the input arguments. Each bit in the result is combined with the corresponding bit in the input arguments, according to the truth table:

1 or ? –> 1 ? or 1 –> 1 0 or 0 –> 0 otherwise x

The results is then pushed onto the vec4 stack. The inputs and the output are all the same width.

  • %or/r

This is a reduction version of the %or opcode. Pop a single value from the vec4 stack, perform the reduction or and return the result to the stack.

  • %pad <dst>, <src>, <wid> (XXXX Old version)

This instruction replicates a single bit in register space into a destination vector in register space. The destination may overlap the source bit. The <dst> may not be 0-3. This is useful for zero or sign extending a vector.

  • %pad/s <wid>

  • %pad/u <wid>

These instruction change the size of the top item in the vec4 stack. If this item is larger then this, it is truncated. If smaller, then extended. The /s variant sign extends, the /u variant unsigned extends.

  • %part/s <wid>

  • %part/u <wid>

This instruction implements a part select. It pops from the top of the vec4 the base value, then it pops the base to select from. The width is the fixed number <wid>. The result is pushed back to the stack.

  • %pop/str <num>

  • %pop/real <num>

  • %pop/obj <num>, <skip>

  • %pop/vec4 <num>

Pop <num> items from the string/real/object/vec4 stack. This is the opposite of the %pushX/str opcode which pushes a string to the stack. The %pop/str is not normally needed because the %store/str includes an implicit pop, but sometimes it is necessary to pop explicitly.

The <skip> is the number of top positions on the stack to keep, before starting to pop. This allows for popping positions other than the top of the stack.

  • %pow

  • %pow/s

The %pow opcode pops the “B” value from the stack, then pops the “A” value from the stack, then pushes A**B back onto the stack. Of there are any X or Z bits in A or B, then an X value is pushed onto the stack instead of a calculated values.

The %pow/s opcode does the same for signed values.

  • %pow/wr

This opcode raises the left operand by the right operand, and pushes the result.

  • %prop/v <pid>

  • %prop/obj <pid>, <idx>

  • %prop/r <pid>

  • %prop/str <pid>

Read a vector (/v) or real value (/r) or string (/str) or object from the property number <pid> of the class object on the top of the object stack. Push the resulting value to the appropriate stack. The class object that is the source is NOT popped from the object stack.

The <idx> is the address of an index variable that selects the word of an arrayed property. If the <idx> value is 0, then use index value zero instead of reading index register zero. Use this form for non-arrayed properties.

  • %pushi/real <mant>, <exp>

This opcode loads an immediate value, floating point, into the real value stack. The mantissa is an unsigned integer value, up to 32 bits, that multiplied by 2**(<exp>-0x1000) to make a real value. The sign bit is OR-ed into the <exp> value at bit 0x4000, and is removed from the <exp> before calculating the real value.

If <exp>==0x3fff and <mant> == 0, the value is +inf. If <exp>==0x7fff and <mant> == 0, the value is -inf. If <exp>==0x3fff and <mant> != 0, the value is NaN.

  • %pushi/str <text>

Push a literal string to the string stack.

  • %pushi/vec4 <vala>, <valb>, <wid>

This opcode loads an immediate value, vector4, into the vector stack. The <vala> is the boolean value bits, and the <valb> bits are modifiers to support z and x values. The a/b encodings for the 4 possible logic values are:

a b val 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 x 0 1 z

This opcode is limited to 32bit numbers.

  • %pushv/str

Convert a vector to a string and push the string to the string stack. The single argument is popped from the vec4 stack and the result pushed to the string stack.

  • %putc/str/v <functor-label>, <muxr>

Pop a vector byte from the thread vec4 stack and write it to a character of the string variable at <functor-label>. This is basically an implementation of <string>.putc(<muxr>, <val>) where <val> is the 8bit vector popped from the stack.

  • %qpop/b/real <functor-label>

  • %qpop/f/real <functor-label>

  • %qpop/b/str <functor-label>

  • %qpop/f/str <functor-label>

  • %qpop/b/v <functor-label>

  • %qpop/f/v <functor-label>

Pop values from a dynamic queue object.

  • %release/net <functor-label>, <base>, <width>

  • %release/reg <functor-label>, <base>, <width>

Release the force on the signal that is represented by the functor <functor-label>. The force was previously activated with a %force/v statement. If no force was active on this functor the statement does nothing. The %release/net sends to the labeled functor the release command with net semantics: the unforced value is propagated to the output of the signal after the release is complete. The %release/reg sends the release command with reg semantics: the signal holds its forced value until another value propagates through.

The <base> and <width> are used to determine what part of the signal will be released. For a full release the <base> is 0 and <width> is the entire signal width.

  • %release/wr <functor-label>, <type>

Release the force on the real signal that is represented by the functor <functor-label>. The force was previously activated with a %force/wr statement. The <type> is 0 for nets and 1 for registers. See the other %release commands above.

  • %replicate <count>

Pop the vec4 value, replicate it <count> times, then push the result. In other words, push the concatenation of <count> copies. See also the %concat instruction.

  • %ret/obj <index>

  • %ret/real <index>

  • %ret/str <index>

  • %ret/vec4 <index>, <offset>, <wid>

Write a value to the indexed function argument. The value is popped from the appropriate stack and written into the argument. The return value of a function is the first argument of the appropriate type, so for example to store the return value for a real function, use “%ret/real 0;”. It is up to the function caller to set up the argument references.

The %ret/vec4 opcode works very much like the %store/vec4 opcode. The <off> and <wid> operands are the offset and width of the subvector of the destination value that is written by the value popped from the vec4 stack. Off the <offset> is zero, then the literal offset is zero. If the <offset> is non-zero, then it selects an index register that contains the actual offset. In this case, flag-4 is tested, and if not 1, the assign is suppressed.

  • %retload/vec4 <index>

  • %retload/real <index>

  • %retload/str <index>

Read a value from the indexed function argument. The value is read from the argument and pushed to the appropriate stack.

  • %set/dar/obj/real <index>

  • %set/dar/obj/str <index>

  • %set/dar/obj/vec4 <index>

The “%set/dar/obj/real” opcode sets the top value from the real-value stack to the index. This does NOT pop the real value off the stack. The intent is that this value may be written to a bunch of values.

The “%set/dar/obj/str” opcode does the same but for string values and uses the string stack, and the “%set/dar/obj/vec4” for vec4 values and the vector stack.

  • %set/v <var-label>, <bit>, <wid> (XXXX Old definition)

This sets a vector to a variable, and is used to implement blocking assignments. The <var-label> identifies the variable to receive the new value. Once the set completes, the value is immediately available to be read out of the variable. The <bit> is the address of the thread register that contains the LSB of the vector, and the <wid> is the size of the vector. The width must exactly match the width of the signal.

  • %set/qb <var-label>, <bit>, <wid>

  • %set/qf <var-label>, <bit>, <wid>

This sets the vector value into the back (qb) or front (qf) of a queue variable.

  • %shiftl <idx>

  • %shiftr <idx>

  • %shiftr/s <idx>

These instructions shift the top value in the vec4 stack left (towards MSB) or right, possibly signed. The <idx> is the address of the index register that contains the amount to shift.

The instruction also checks flag bit 4. If it is true, the result is replaced with X instead of a shifted result. This is intended to detect that the index contents were not valid.

  • %split/vec4 <wid>

Pull the top vec4 vector from the stack and split it into two parts. Split off <wid> bits from the LSB, then push the remaining bits of the original (the MSB) back to the stack. Then push the split off LSB vector.

The <wid> must be less than the width of the original, unsplit vector.

  • %store/obj <var-label>

This pops the top of the object stack and writes it to the object variable given by the label.

See also %load/obj.

  • %store/prop/obj <pid>, <idx>

  • %store/prop/r <pid>

  • %store/prop/str <pid>

  • %store/prop/v <pid>, <wid>

The %store/prop/r pops a real value from the real stack and stores it into the the property number <pid> of a cobject in the top of the object stack. The cobject is NOT popped.

The %store/prop/obj pops an object from the top of the object stack, then writes it to the property number <pid> of the cobject now on top of the object stack. The cobject is NOT popped. The <idx> argument is the index register to select an element. If the property is an array, this selects the element. If <idx> is 0, then use the value 0 instead of index register zero. Use 0 for non-array properties.

The %store/prop/v pops a vector from the vec4 stack and stores it into the property <pid> of the cobject in the top of the object stack. The vector is truncated to <wid> bits, and the cobject is NOT popped.

  • %store/real <var-label>

  • %store/reala <var-label>, <index>

This pops the top of the real variable stack and write it to the object variable given by the label.

The reala version is similar, but writes to a real array using the index in the index register <index>

  • %store/str <var-label>

  • %store/stra <array-label>, <index>

  • %store/dar/r <var-label>

  • %store/dar/str <var-label>

  • %store/dar/vec4 <var-label>

  • %store/qf/r <var-label>

  • %store/qf/str <var-label>

  • %store/qf/v <var-label>, <wid>

  • %store/qb/r <var-label>

  • %store/qb/str <var-label>

  • %store/qf/v <var-label>, <wid>

The %store/str instruction pops the top of the string stack and writes it to the string variable.

The %store/stra targets an array.

The %store/dar/str is similar, but the target is a dynamic array of string string. The index is taken from signed index register 3.

  • %store/vec4 <var-label>, <offset>, <wid>

  • %store/vec4a <var-label>, <addr>, <offset>

Store a logic vector into the variable. The value (and its width) is popped off the top of the stack and written to the variable. The value is then optionally truncated to <wid> bits and assigned to the variable. It is an error for the value to be fewer then <wid> bits. The <offset> is the index register that contains a part offset for writing into a part of the variable. If the <offset> is 0, then use the literal value 0 instead of getting an offset from index register 0.

The %store/vec4a is similar, but the target is an array of vec4, the <addr> is an index register that contains the canonical address, and the <offset> is an index register that contains the vector part offset.

Both index registers can be 0, to mean a zero value instead of a zero register.

The %store/vec4a will check flag bit 4, and if it is true, it will suppress the actual assignment. This is so that the context can indicate that the address is invalid.

The %store/vec4 will check flag bit 4, only if the <offset> is a non-zero index register. A 0 index is a fixed constant and cannot fail.

NOTE: The <wid> is not necessary, and should be removed.

The %store/qf/* and %store/qb/* instructions are queue manipulations, which implement the push_back (qb) and push_front (qf) functions. These only apply to queue object, and are distinct from the dar versions because the begin/front don’t exist, by definition.

  • %sub

This instruction subtracts vec4 values. The right value is popped from the vec4 stack, then the left value is popped. The right is subtracted from the left, and the result pushed.

See also the %add instruction.

  • %subi <vala>, <valb>, <wid>

This instruction pops a value “A” from the vec4 stack, generates a values “B” from the immediate argument, and pushes A-B.

See also the %addi instruction.

  • %sub/wr

This instruction operates on real values in word registers. The right value is popped, the left value is popped, the right is subtracted from the left, and the result pushed.

  • %substr <start>, <end>

This instruction takes the substring of the top string in the string stack. This implements the SystemVerilog style substring. The string stack is popped and replaced with the result.

  • %substr/vec4 <sel>, <wid>

This instruction extracts the substring of the top string in the string stack and pushes the result to the vec4 stack. The <sel> is the index register that holds the select base, and the <wid> is the width, in bits, of the result. Note that <wid> must be a multiple of 8.

The string value is NOT popped.

  • %test_nul <var-label>

  • %test_nul/obj

  • %test_nul/prop <pid>, <idx>

This instruction tests the contents of the addressed variable to see if it is null. If it is, set flag bit 4 to 1. Otherwise, set flag bit 4 to 0.

The %test_null/obj tests the object on the top of the stack, instead of any variable. The value in the stack is NOT popped.

The %test_nul/prop instruction tests an object property for nul. The object with the property is peeked from the top of the object stack, and the <idx> is the array index if the property is an array of objects.

This is intended to implement the SystemVerilog expression (<var>==null), where <var> is a class variable.

  • %vpi_call <name> [, …] {<vec4> <real> <str>}

This instruction makes a call to a system task that was declared using VPI. The operands are compiled down to a vpiHandle for the call. The instruction contains only the vpiHandle for the call. See the vpi.txt file for more on system task/function calls.

The {…} part is stack information. This tells the run-time how many stack items the call uses so that it knows how many to pop off the stack when the call returns.

  • %vpi_func <file> <line> <name> [, …] {<vec4> <real> <str>}

  • %vpi_func/r <file> <line> <name> [, …] {<vec4> <real> <str>}

  • %vpi_func/s <file> <line> <name> [, …] {<vec4> <real> <str>}

This instruction is similar to %vpi_call, except that it is for calling system functions. The difference here is the return value from the function call is pushed onto the appropriate stack. The normal means that the VPI code uses to write the return value causes those bits to go here.

The {…} part is stack information. This tells the run-time how many stack items the call uses from each stack so that it knows how many to pop off the stack when the call returns. The function call will pop the real and string stacks, and will push any return value.

  • %wait <functor-label>

When a thread executes this instruction, it places itself in the sensitive list for the addressed functor. The functor holds all the threads that await the functor. When the defined sort of event occurs on the functor, a thread schedule event is created for all the threads in its list and the list is cleared.

  • %wait/fork

This instruction puts the current thread to sleep until all the detached children have finished executing. The last detached child is responsible for restarting the parent when it finishes.

  • %xnor

This instruction pops two vectors from the vec4 stack, does a bitwise exclusive nor (~^) of the vectors, and pushes the result. The truth table for the xor is:

0 xnor 0 –> 1 0 xnor 1 –> 0 1 xnor 0 –> 0 1 xnor 1 –> 1 otherwise x

  • %xor

This instruction pops two vectors from the vec4 stack, does a bitwise exclusive or (^) of the vectors, and pushes the result. The truth table for the xor is:

0 xor 0 –> 0 0 xor 1 –> 1 1 xor 0 –> 1 1 xor 1 –> 0 otherwise x

 * Copyright (c) 2001-2024 Stephen Williams (steve@icarus.com)
 *    This source code is free software; you can redistribute it
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 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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